Dynatrace integration


All of the following steps must be done after External
Integration has already been configured by the ElvenWorks team. Request
integration via chat on the platform or on the website.


Open Dynatrace and, in the left menu, go to Manage > Settings:


2 – Select Integration and then Problem Notification:


3. Click Add Notification and let’s configure a new notification.


3.1 – In Notification Type, select Custom Integration.


3.2 – Give the notification a name in Display Name.


3.3 – In Webhook URL, enter the URL provided by the ElvenWorks team.


3.4 – Leave the Call Webhook if problem is Closed active.


3.5 – Add an HTTP Header, passing Name User-Agent and Value 1PCustomAuth/1.0.


3.6 – In the Custom Payload field, paste the payload provided by the ElvenWorks team.


Payload Example:


  “title”: “{ProblemTitle}”,

  “description”: “{ProblemDetailsText}”,

  “external_aggregate_key”: “{Pid}”,

  “action”: “{State}”,

  “organization”: “<ORG_UID>”,

  “severity”: “”



The “severity” field must be filled in with the following values:

  • critical
  • high
  • moderate
  • low
  • informational

3.7 – Select the Alerting Profile you want notifications to be generated.


After that, just save and that’s it, your integration is done. All
incidents generated in Dynatrace related to the configured Alerting
Profile will also arrive and notify on the One Platform.


All of the following steps must be done after External
Integration has already been configured by the ElvenWorks team. Request
integration via chat on the platform or on the website.


Open Dynatrace and, in the left menu, go to Manage > Settings:


2 – Select Integration and then Problem Notification:


3. Click Add Notification and let’s configure a new notification.


3.1 – In Notification Type, select Custom Integration.


3.2 – Give the notification a name in Display Name.


3.3 – In Webhook URL, enter the URL provided by the ElvenWorks team.


3.4 – Leave the Call Webhook if problem is Closed active.


3.5 – Add an HTTP Header, passing Name User-Agent and Value 1PCustomAuth/1.0.


3.6 – In the Custom Payload field, paste the payload provided by the ElvenWorks team.


Payload Example:


  “title”: “{ProblemTitle}”,

  “description”: “{ProblemDetailsText}”,

  “external_aggregate_key”: “{Pid}”,

  “action”: “{State}”,

  “organization”: “<ORG_UID>”,

  “severity”: “”



The “severity” field must be filled in with the following values:

  • critical
  • high
  • moderate
  • low
  • informational

3.7 – Select the Alerting Profile you want notifications to be generated.


After that, just save and that’s it, your integration is done. All
incidents generated in Dynatrace related to the configured Alerting
Profile will also arrive and notify on the One Platform.