Configuring a Call Rotation

The Call Rotation is a feature designed to distribute notifications
in case of on-call workers, team escalation, and notifications via SMS
and phone calls. This feature is configured per team and will be
triggered in case of an incident for all products monitored by that
specific team.

In the platform, the Call Rotation works in parallel with the
pre-configured notification channels in the “Notifications” tab, located
in your team’s area, under the “Teams” section in the left menu.
However, this feature is exclusive for SMS and phone calls.

Before starting the Call Rotation escalation configuration, the users registered in the team must have their mobile numbers validated on the platform. If their numbers are not validated, they will not receive notifications.

Accessing the team:

To begin the Call Rotation configuration, you need to access your team. There are two different ways to do this:

  1. The first way is to access your team through the “Product” section.
    Go to the left menu, click on “Product,” and then select the product
    associated with the team you want to configure. In the top bar, click on
    the “Teams” tab and select the desired team. You will be directed to
    the team’s configuration page.

Tip: If you access the team through the Product
section, it does not mean that the Call Rotation escalation will be
configured only for the selected product. The configuration is done for
each team, and if the team is assigned to another product, the incident
notification for the other assigned products will also be included in
the Call Rotation escalation. This access is only to locate the desired

The second way is to click on “Teams,” located in the left menu, and select the team you want to configure.


Setting up the team roster

Once you are on the configuration
page of the selected team, select the “Call Rotation” tab in the top
bar. As you enter the tab, you will see a calendar, as the escalation is
done through “events” that can be scheduled on a daily, weekly, or
monthly basis.

You can create an individual event
for a day by clicking on the desired date on the calendar.
Alternatively, you can hold and drag the mouse cursor from the start
date to the end date to create events with repetition. The platform’s
calendar works similarly to Google Calendar, where call rotations can
repeat every week, two weeks, three weeks, or one month and can end
their recurrence after one, two, three, six months, one year, or never

Setting up an event:

After selecting the desired dates, the schedule configuration will
appear on the left side of the screen, next to the calendar. In the
settings, you add the start and end times according to the daily
schedule, using the 24-hour format. If the rotation includes night
shifts, include the corresponding night and morning hours, and the
system will automatically distribute the event from one day to the next.

In the “Step Group” field, select the person who will be responsible for incident responses during this shift.

If it is your first time configuring a Call Rotation, you need to
create a Step Group by clicking on the plus sign (+). Next to the field,
choose the first employee for the shift who should be notified. Select
whether they should be notified via SMS, voice call, Telegram, or email
(registered in the platform). Configure the interval time for the alerts
to be sent and how long this first employee should be alerted before
moving to the next step in the rotation.


To add another employee for the shift, click on “Add step” and follow the same steps explained in the previous paragraph.

Tip: Only users with verified mobile numbers and
Telegram IDs in the platform will be available for selection. If an
employee does not appear, it means they need to verify their mobile number for SMS and Voice Call notifications or their Telegram ID for notifications via Telegram. These settings can be configured in the Account” menu”.

If you want an employee to be notified by both SMS and voice call,
add them twice to the Step Group and select the notification method for
each step.

The Step Group configuration is individual for each client and can have as many employees as needed for the shift.

To finish the Step Group configuration, give a name to the created
flow and then click on “Save.” The Step Group will be saved in the Call
Rotation and can be used in more events, following the same flow.

In the Call Rotation settings, you can also choose colors to
differentiate each shift, edit, or delete the Step Group. Once the
dates, times, and employees for the shift are configured, click on
“Create” to register the settings, and the events will appear on the
calendar as shown in the image below:

The Call Rotation is a feature designed to distribute notifications
in case of on-call workers, team escalation, and notifications via SMS
and phone calls. This feature is configured per team and will be
triggered in case of an incident for all products monitored by that
specific team.

In the platform, the Call Rotation works in parallel with the
pre-configured notification channels in the “Notifications” tab, located
in your team’s area, under the “Teams” section in the left menu.
However, this feature is exclusive for SMS and phone calls.

Before starting the Call Rotation escalation configuration, the users registered in the team must have their mobile numbers validated on the platform. If their numbers are not validated, they will not receive notifications.

Accessing the team:

To begin the Call Rotation configuration, you need to access your team. There are two different ways to do this:

  1. The first way is to access your team through the “Product” section.
    Go to the left menu, click on “Product,” and then select the product
    associated with the team you want to configure. In the top bar, click on
    the “Teams” tab and select the desired team. You will be directed to
    the team’s configuration page.

Tip: If you access the team through the Product
section, it does not mean that the Call Rotation escalation will be
configured only for the selected product. The configuration is done for
each team, and if the team is assigned to another product, the incident
notification for the other assigned products will also be included in
the Call Rotation escalation. This access is only to locate the desired

The second way is to click on “Teams,” located in the left menu, and select the team you want to configure.


Setting up the team roster

Once you are on the configuration
page of the selected team, select the “Call Rotation” tab in the top
bar. As you enter the tab, you will see a calendar, as the escalation is
done through “events” that can be scheduled on a daily, weekly, or
monthly basis.

You can create an individual event
for a day by clicking on the desired date on the calendar.
Alternatively, you can hold and drag the mouse cursor from the start
date to the end date to create events with repetition. The platform’s
calendar works similarly to Google Calendar, where call rotations can
repeat every week, two weeks, three weeks, or one month and can end
their recurrence after one, two, three, six months, one year, or never

Setting up an event:

After selecting the desired dates, the schedule configuration will
appear on the left side of the screen, next to the calendar. In the
settings, you add the start and end times according to the daily
schedule, using the 24-hour format. If the rotation includes night
shifts, include the corresponding night and morning hours, and the
system will automatically distribute the event from one day to the next.

In the “Step Group” field, select the person who will be responsible for incident responses during this shift.

If it is your first time configuring a Call Rotation, you need to
create a Step Group by clicking on the plus sign (+). Next to the field,
choose the first employee for the shift who should be notified. Select
whether they should be notified via SMS, voice call, Telegram, or email
(registered in the platform). Configure the interval time for the alerts
to be sent and how long this first employee should be alerted before
moving to the next step in the rotation.


To add another employee for the shift, click on “Add step” and follow the same steps explained in the previous paragraph.

Tip: Only users with verified mobile numbers and
Telegram IDs in the platform will be available for selection. If an
employee does not appear, it means they need to verify their mobile number for SMS and Voice Call notifications or their Telegram ID for notifications via Telegram. These settings can be configured in the Account” menu”.

If you want an employee to be notified by both SMS and voice call,
add them twice to the Step Group and select the notification method for
each step.

The Step Group configuration is individual for each client and can have as many employees as needed for the shift.

To finish the Step Group configuration, give a name to the created
flow and then click on “Save.” The Step Group will be saved in the Call
Rotation and can be used in more events, following the same flow.

In the Call Rotation settings, you can also choose colors to
differentiate each shift, edit, or delete the Step Group. Once the
dates, times, and employees for the shift are configured, click on
“Create” to register the settings, and the events will appear on the
calendar as shown in the image below: