To create a postmortem on One Platform, you must go to the Postmortem Center, in the left side menu of the platform.

After entering the center, click
on “New postmortem”. In the form, fill in the Title field with the title
you want to put in your postmortem and below enter the information
about the postmortem you want to document. Afterwards, link to an
incident generated by the platform.


After displaying all the necessary information, click on “Save
postmortem”. Postmortems created are saved in the Postmortem Center.


To view a postmortem, simply click on the desired postmortem and you
will have access to all the information, as well as knowing who wrote
the postmortem and the incident it is related to.


Clicking on the postmortem actions, we have 3 options:

Edit postmortem (directs to the postmortem editing screen)

Delete postmortem (delete the postmortem)

Export to PDF (export the postmortem to a PDF file)


When an incident is linked to a postmortem, a button for the postmortem will appear on the incident screen.

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