Duration of a session on OnePlatform

We would like to inform you that the session duration on our platform is limited to 1 hour for security reasons. This measure has been implemented to protect your privacy and ensure the security of your information while using our services.

Limiting session duration helps prevent unauthorized access to your account, reducing the risk of attacks and protecting your data against potential threats. Additionally, it provides a safer and more reliable experience for all of our users.

To continue using our services after the session ends, simply log in again.

We would like to inform you that the session duration on our platform is limited to 1 hour for security reasons. This measure has been implemented to protect your privacy and ensure the security of your information while using our services.

Limiting session duration helps prevent unauthorized access to your account, reducing the risk of attacks and protecting your data against potential threats. Additionally, it provides a safer and more reliable experience for all of our users.

To continue using our services after the session ends, simply log in again.