
What does the Elastic Search connector do?

The Elastic Search connector performs a series of checks and operations related to the Elastic Search service, specified by the URL provided in the configuration. It configures the Elastic Search client with authentication information, makes a request for information about the cluster, and checks the status of the response. It then processes the returned JSON body to ensure that the cluster status is “green” (cluster health). Finally, it records the success or failure of the operation based on the results obtained during the previous steps, thus updating the monitoring status.

To monitor Elasticsearch on the One Platform:

  1. Go to the product application where you want to add Elasticsearch as a dependency.
  2. Click on the “Products” menu, then select the desired product card.
  3. Click on the name of the application you want to configure.
  4. In the “External Dependencies” section, located below the latency graph, you can add or search for an existing dependency.
  5. To add a new dependency, click on the green button with a plus symbol (+).

When you click “Add,” a modal will appear. In this modal, you will name your dependency and choose the Environment. In the “Check type” field, select the option “Search Engine,” and in the “Method” field, choose “Elasticsearch.” After selecting the method, a field for the Healthcheck URL will appear.

Check below the example strings for Elasticsearch:

example 1: http://HOST:PORT/_cluster/health/staging_entities-orgid

example 2: http://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT/_cluster/health/staging_entities-orgid

example 3: http://APIKEY@HOST:PORT/_cluster/health/staging_entities-orgid

Note: For security reasons, it is not permitted to enter an IP in the healthcheck field. To monitor an IP, you need to enter it in a secret and use it in healthcheck

What does the Elastic Search connector do?

The Elastic Search connector performs a series of checks and operations related to the Elastic Search service, specified by the URL provided in the configuration. It configures the Elastic Search client with authentication information, makes a request for information about the cluster, and checks the status of the response. It then processes the returned JSON body to ensure that the cluster status is “green” (cluster health). Finally, it records the success or failure of the operation based on the results obtained during the previous steps, thus updating the monitoring status.

To monitor Elasticsearch on the One Platform:

  1. Go to the product application where you want to add Elasticsearch as a dependency.
  2. Click on the “Products” menu, then select the desired product card.
  3. Click on the name of the application you want to configure.
  4. In the “External Dependencies” section, located below the latency graph, you can add or search for an existing dependency.
  5. To add a new dependency, click on the green button with a plus symbol (+).

When you click “Add,” a modal will appear. In this modal, you will name your dependency and choose the Environment. In the “Check type” field, select the option “Search Engine,” and in the “Method” field, choose “Elasticsearch.” After selecting the method, a field for the Healthcheck URL will appear.

Check below the example strings for Elasticsearch:

example 1: http://HOST:PORT/_cluster/health/staging_entities-orgid

example 2: http://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT/_cluster/health/staging_entities-orgid

example 3: http://APIKEY@HOST:PORT/_cluster/health/staging_entities-orgid

Note: For security reasons, it is not permitted to enter an IP in the healthcheck field. To monitor an IP, you need to enter it in a secret and use it in healthcheck