Memcached is a widely used high-performance distributed caching system for storing and retrieving data in memory. It works as a network cache server, which temporarily stores data in RAM to provide fast responses and reduce the load on databases or other storage systems. Memcached is designed to be simple and efficient, using a key-value model, where data is identified by a unique key. It offers a command-line interface and APIs to access and manipulate cached data. With its ability to scale out, Memcached can be distributed across multiple servers to increase storage capacity and handle high traffic demands. It is widely used in web applications, especially in environments where speed and scalability are crucial, such as e-commerce sites, social media, and streaming services.

How to monitor Memcached on One Platform

1 – In the side menu, click on Services Hub

2 – In the Cache category, click on the Memcached card

3 – You will be directed to the Memcached configuration page, fill in the fields

4 – If you want, you can configure automatic incident opening. In the Open automatic incident section, fill in the fields:

  • Severity -> Choose between “SEV-1 – Critical”, “SEV-2 – High”, “SEV-3 – Moderate”, “SEV-4 – Low”, “SEV-5 – Informational” or “Not Classified”;
  • Check Interval in seconds -> This is the interval at which checking will take place (this interval cannot be less than the number of failures x the Interval configured in the monitoring form;
  • Failures to open automatic incident -> It is the number of failures necessary to open the automatic incident;
  • Check Interval in seconds -> This is the interval in which checking will take place (this interval cannot be less than the number of hits x the Interval configured in the monitoring form;
  • Hits to close automatic incident -> It is the number of hits needed to close the automatic incident;
  • Responders -> These are the teams that will be notified if there are incidents in this monitoring, and you can add one or multiple teams;

If necessary, you can create a team by clicking + RESPONDER, you will be directed to the form

to create the team, then click on the button  for the new team to appear in the list

***Don’t forget to activate the Enable to set up automatic incidents opening toggle to save the automatic incident opening settings


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