Neo4j is a highly scalable and flexible graph-oriented database, specifically designed to store, query and manipulate complex relational data. It uses a graph data structure, consisting of nodes, relationships, and properties, to represent and store relationships between data. This approach allows Neo4j to be highly efficient at finding and analyzing connections between data, making it ideal for use cases involving social networks, recommendations, complex data analysis, and pattern discovery. With its Cypher query language, Neo4j offers an expressive and intuitive syntax for performing powerful graph queries. Furthermore, its scalable and distributed architecture allows it to handle large volumes of data and support demanding workloads. Neo4j is widely used in various industries, including finance, computer science, bioinformatics and logistics, where the representation and analysis of complex relationships is essential.

How to monitor Neo4j on One Platform

1 – In the side menu, click on Services Hub

2 – In the Database category, click on the Neo4j card

3 – You will be directed to the Neo4j configuration page, fill in the fields

4 – If you want, you can configure automatic incident opening. In the Open automatic incident section, fill in the fields:

  • Severity -> Choose between “SEV-1 – Critical”, “SEV-2 – High”, “SEV-3 – Moderate”, “SEV-4 – Low”, “SEV-5 – Informational” or “Not Classified”;
  • Check Interval in seconds -> This is the interval at which checking will take place (this interval cannot be less than the number of failures x the Interval configured in the monitoring form;
  • Failures to open automatic incident -> It is the number of failures necessary to open the automatic incident;
  • Check Interval in seconds -> This is the interval in which checking will take place (this interval cannot be less than the number of hits x the Interval configured in the monitoring form;
  • Hits to close automatic incident -> It is the number of hits needed to close the automatic incident;
  • Responders -> These are the teams that will be notified if there are incidents in this monitoring, and you can add one or multiple teams;

If necessary, you can create a team by clicking + RESPONDER, you will be directed to the form

to create the team, then click on the button for the new team to appear in the list

***Don’t forget to activate the Enable to set up automatic incidents opening toggle to save the automatic incident opening settings


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