What traffic on ElvenWorks agents

In a dynamic technological scenario where operational efficiency is crucial, agents play a vital role in collecting and transmitting relevant information for monitoring and maintaining systems. This article explores the traffic generated by agents (hits, failures, and logs). These are not only fundamental performance indicators but also key pieces in the investigation and resolution of incidents.

The following flows through ElvenWorks agents:

  • Hits – represent successful interactions between the agent and the integrated environment.
  • Failures – highlight unsuccessful interactions or anomalies detected by the agent.
  • Logs – record events, operations, and crucial information.

The following information is presented in ElvenWorks agent logs:

  • id – unique identifier number of the agent.
  • application_id – unique identifier number of the application the agent interacted with.
  • addon_id – unique identifier number of the dependency the agent interacted with.
  • incident_id – unique identifier number when an incident is opened by the agent.
  • org_uid – unique identifier number of the organization the agent is interacting with.
  • created_at – date when the incident was opened by the agent.
  • updated_at – date of the last update on the incident opened by the agent.
  • origin_entity – identifies the type of monitoring (internal, external, multiflow, synthetic, etc.).
  • type – type of interaction (resolved or alarmed).
  • version – version in which the installed agent is.

This information is essential in incident investigation, providing contextual information that helps understand the sequence of events leading to an undesired situation. Log information is retained for 15 days.

In a dynamic technological scenario where operational efficiency is crucial, agents play a vital role in collecting and transmitting relevant information for monitoring and maintaining systems. This article explores the traffic generated by agents (hits, failures, and logs). These are not only fundamental performance indicators but also key pieces in the investigation and resolution of incidents.

The following flows through ElvenWorks agents:

  • Hits – represent successful interactions between the agent and the integrated environment.
  • Failures – highlight unsuccessful interactions or anomalies detected by the agent.
  • Logs – record events, operations, and crucial information.

The following information is presented in ElvenWorks agent logs:

  • id – unique identifier number of the agent.
  • application_id – unique identifier number of the application the agent interacted with.
  • addon_id – unique identifier number of the dependency the agent interacted with.
  • incident_id – unique identifier number when an incident is opened by the agent.
  • org_uid – unique identifier number of the organization the agent is interacting with.
  • created_at – date when the incident was opened by the agent.
  • updated_at – date of the last update on the incident opened by the agent.
  • origin_entity – identifies the type of monitoring (internal, external, multiflow, synthetic, etc.).
  • type – type of interaction (resolved or alarmed).
  • version – version in which the installed agent is.

This information is essential in incident investigation, providing contextual information that helps understand the sequence of events leading to an undesired situation. Log information is retained for 15 days.