On the resource screen is where we find many

1 – Monitoring status -> Here we have the current status of the resource, the existing statuses are Operational, Not Operational and Pending

2 – On/off switch -> Key to turn resource monitoring on and off

3 – Healthcheck URL -> It is the endpoint that is being monitored, in some types of resources it is the connection string

4 – Checkpoint -> It is the agent that is being used to monitor the resource

5 – Last Check -> This is the time of the last check carried out by the agent

6 – View Metrics -> Opens a dashboard with the resource’s metrics

7 – Maintenance window -> Configures a window in which the resource will undergo maintenance, find out more

8 – Opening hours -> Configure the time when the monitoring will be on, find out more

9 – Edit/Delete -> Here we can edit the resource settings or delete

10 – MTBF (Main Time Between Failures) -> This metric shows the average time between resource failures

11 – MTTA (Main Time To Acknowledge) -> This metric shows the average time for each acknowledgment

12 – MTTRecovery (Main Time To Recovery) -> This metric shows the average time for resource recovery

13 – Uptime -> Shows the health of the resource in several pre-defined periods

14 – Error Budget -> Here you can view and inform the percentage of the Error Budget, used according to your needs

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