The Operating Hours feature is designed to allow you to define the days of the week and specific time periods during which your monitoring activities will be active. By configuring the operating hours, you can prevent receiving alerts and notifications during undesired hours, ensuring that your metrics are not impacted during specific timeframes.

This functionality is available for all types of monitoring in the platform and can be manually configured by accessing the application’s information box on its page. Look for the calendar icon to set up and manage the operating hours as per your requirements. This way, you can tailor the monitoring schedule to align with your application’s availability and maintenance periods effectively.

How to configure the operating hours for your monitoring:

  1. Click on the calendar icon in the application’s information box.

  2. A settings window will open, allowing you to choose the days of the week and the specific time periods during which monitoring will be active.

  3. If the operating hours are the same for all days of the week, simply fill in the “Operating hours for all days” field with the start and end times, and then click on “Copy to everyday” to apply the same hours to all selected days.

  4. Once you have finished configuring the operating hours, click on “Save operating hours” to save your settings.

By setting up the operating hours, you can ensure that monitoring activities are scheduled as desired, helping you avoid receiving alerts and notifications during unwanted times while maintaining the monitoring of your application during the specific timeframes you require.

The Operating Hours will automatically start at the chosen time and day. To confirm that it is set up correctly, check if the calendar icon displays a green dot, indicating that the configuration is active. If you need to edit, delete, or confirm the settings, click on the calendar icon again.

If you need the application to be in maintenance mode during a time when it is supposed to be active, you can manually enable maintenance mode by toggling the “Active Monitoring” switch in the application’s information box. If you activate monitoring manually in this way, the application will only be inactive during the scheduled Operating Hours, as specified in the settings.

Warning: If you don’t configure the operating hours for your application, the platform will monitor it 24/7 by default.

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