Cloud Computing

Cloud FinOps: The Unit Economics Era

The concept of FinOps is relatively new: just a year ago the book “Cloud FinOps: Collaborative, Real-Time Cloud Financial Management” was released, postulating the basic principles of the FinOps approach. In chapter 1, the author J.R.Storment discusses the central theme, or what would be the basis of the FinOps approach, what he calls “Unit Economics”. […]

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ChatOps, GitOps, GitFlow: Tools and Approaches for DevOps Teams

In the last post on Cloud Computing for Beginners Series, we have covered techniques and best practices for releasing applications with automated tests. The DevOps culture is centered on the precepts of easy knowledge transfer between the Dev and Ops areas, with fast and continuous release of new versions of features and apps, but with

ChatOps, GitOps, GitFlow: Tools and Approaches for DevOps Teams Read More »

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) in the DevOps Pipeline

In the last post in the cloud computing series for beginners, we deepen the issues surrounding cloud computing security and encryption. In this post, we will cover the integration practices between development, infrastructure and testing teams, concepts that make up the so-called “DevOps pipeline”. Continuous Integration (CI) is a software development practice where programmers integrate

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) in the DevOps Pipeline Read More »

How do Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing can work together to benefit a business?

In a simple way, the answer to the title question could be: Artificial Intelligence dramatically accelerates data analysis, benefiting both an organization and its customers. That is because organizations receive data insights and with them in hand, they can generate recommended solutions that are better suited to their customers’ individual needs, with an incredibly fast

How do Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing can work together to benefit a business? Read More »

Introduction to Microservices and Application Modernization

In the last post in the cloud computing series for beginners, we talked about the advantages of serverless computing for the fast product release cycle. In this post, we will go a little deeper in the transition from the monolithic application model, a bit older,  to modern applications, which use microservices for isolated and independent

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Serverless computing working to the fast product release cycle

So far, in this series on cloud computing for beginners, we’ve seen some of the main components, features and functionality present in cloud computing. One of them, called  server, is precisely what provides the functionality of programs and devices, called “clients”. It is thanks to servers that we can access services such as sharing data

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