Configuring a Custom Cloud

The ElvenWorks platform gives you the possibility to use various
cloud providers, not only the most commonly used ones like AWS and
Azure. To use a custom cloud provider of your preference, you must first
set up the cloud within the platform by following the tutorial below.

On the left sidebar, click on “Clouds,” and in the upper right
corner, click on the “NEW” button. In the “Cloud Provider” field, select
the “Custom” option and define a name for the cloud you are
configuring. The name of the cloud does not necessarily need to be
associated with your digital product’s cloud. After naming it, click on
“Save” to complete the registration of your cloud.

The ElvenWorks platform gives you the possibility to use various
cloud providers, not only the most commonly used ones like AWS and
Azure. To use a custom cloud provider of your preference, you must first
set up the cloud within the platform by following the tutorial below.

On the left sidebar, click on “Clouds,” and in the upper right
corner, click on the “NEW” button. In the “Cloud Provider” field, select
the “Custom” option and define a name for the cloud you are
configuring. The name of the cloud does not necessarily need to be
associated with your digital product’s cloud. After naming it, click on
“Save” to complete the registration of your cloud.