Creating an API Token

To create an API Token on the platform:
2 – In the API tab, click the “+” button to create a new API Token

3 – Select the type API Token and fill in the Name field. Then, click on Generate Integration Token.

Creating an External Service Sentry

1 – Go to the Service Hub, located in the left sidebar menu.

2 – Select from the options: if you want to open an alert, choose Alert Sentry; if you want to open an incident, choose Incident Sentry.

3 – In the form, fill in the External service name and the Responders who will receive notifications from this service. Then, click CREATE.


4 – Further down, the information for your External Service will appear, requesting you to select an API token. Choose the one created earlier.

5 – After selecting the API token, the necessary information to configure the External Service Sentry is complete.

Configuring in Sentry

1. Primeiro clique em “Settings” e em seguida em “Integrations”


1. First click on “Settings” and then on “Integrations


2. Search for “Webhook” in the search bar

3. Click on “Add to Project” (If you have more than 1 project, choose which one you want to create the integration for)

4. In the “Callback URLs” field, enter the URL provided by the ElvenWorks team, click on “Save Changes” and then click on “Enable Plugin

5. To test the integration, you can click on “Test Plugin” (An incident must be created on OnePlatform)

6. To link the webhook to an alert, enter the conditions configuration and, in the “THEN” field, select “send notification via an integration”, then choose the “WebHooks” option



Ready! Your integration with Sentry is already configured.

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