Prometheus integration


All the following steps
should be performed after the External Integration has already been
configured by the ElvenWorks team. Request the integration through the
chat on the platform or website. Remember, at the time of the request,
specify whether you would like to open an incident or an alert with the
integration, as well as the team to be notified.


1 – Configure the Receiver.

In the Prometheus Values, in the
Receivers section, configure the necessary receivers (with the
information provided by the ElvenWorks team).

2 – Configure the Routes

In the Prometheus Values, in the routes section, configure them as follows:

group_wait: 30s
group_interval: 5m
repeat_interval: 5m
receiver: 1p-webhook # Name configured in the previous step
- receiver: 1p-webhook # Name configured in the previous step


3 – Configure the Alerts

In the Prometheus Values, in the
alerts section, configure the necessary alerts (with the information
provided by the ElvenWorks team).

- name: Instances GoLang
- alert: <Title of the incident/alert>
expr: <metrics expression>
for: <Error duration time>
description: "<Description of the incident/alert>"
 severity: <choose between critical, high, moderate, low, or informational>

There you go, your integration with Prometheus is now configured.


All the following steps
should be performed after the External Integration has already been
configured by the ElvenWorks team. Request the integration through the
chat on the platform or website. Remember, at the time of the request,
specify whether you would like to open an incident or an alert with the
integration, as well as the team to be notified.


1 – Configure the Receiver.

In the Prometheus Values, in the
Receivers section, configure the necessary receivers (with the
information provided by the ElvenWorks team).

2 – Configure the Routes

In the Prometheus Values, in the routes section, configure them as follows:

group_wait: 30s
group_interval: 5m
repeat_interval: 5m
receiver: 1p-webhook # Name configured in the previous step
- receiver: 1p-webhook # Name configured in the previous step


3 – Configure the Alerts

In the Prometheus Values, in the
alerts section, configure the necessary alerts (with the information
provided by the ElvenWorks team).

- name: Instances GoLang
- alert: <Title of the incident/alert>
expr: <metrics expression>
for: <Error duration time>
description: "<Description of the incident/alert>"
 severity: <choose between critical, high, moderate, low, or informational>

There you go, your integration with Prometheus is now configured.