How to send deployments

To send Deployments, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the page of your product and access the specific application you want to work with.
  2. Click on the “Register Deploy” button, which is located below the
    application information and represented by a cloud and an arrow pointing

After clicking this button, a message box will appear, and you will have two options to register the deployment:

  • Register on the timeline: This option allows you to manually register
    the deployment on the latency and deployment graph timeline. You can
    update the date and time of the deployment as needed.

  • “Deploy via Webhook”: This option enables the automatic registration
    of the deployment on the timeline whenever the application is updated.
    There’s no need for manual registration in this case.

In this case, let’s proceed with the deployment via webhook by
clicking on the “Deploy by Webhook” tab. On this tab, you will need to
choose a credential that is already registered in your organization, in
the field labeled “Integration token.” When you select the desired
credential, the message box will be updated with the token corresponding
to the application.

To insert the deployment on the timeline of the latency and
deployment graph, use the provided curl command when updating the
application. The curl command should be provided by the webhook
integration you set up earlier.

When updating the application, the description of the deployment will
be automatically registered on the incident timeline as “[application
name] is DEPLOYED,” following the specified default format.

To send Deployments, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the page of your product and access the specific application you want to work with.
  2. Click on the “Register Deploy” button, which is located below the
    application information and represented by a cloud and an arrow pointing

After clicking this button, a message box will appear, and you will have two options to register the deployment:

  • Register on the timeline: This option allows you to manually register
    the deployment on the latency and deployment graph timeline. You can
    update the date and time of the deployment as needed.

  • “Deploy via Webhook”: This option enables the automatic registration
    of the deployment on the timeline whenever the application is updated.
    There’s no need for manual registration in this case.

In this case, let’s proceed with the deployment via webhook by
clicking on the “Deploy by Webhook” tab. On this tab, you will need to
choose a credential that is already registered in your organization, in
the field labeled “Integration token.” When you select the desired
credential, the message box will be updated with the token corresponding
to the application.

To insert the deployment on the timeline of the latency and
deployment graph, use the provided curl command when updating the
application. The curl command should be provided by the webhook
integration you set up earlier.

When updating the application, the description of the deployment will
be automatically registered on the incident timeline as “[application
name] is DEPLOYED,” following the specified default format.