Metrics Dashboard

The constant monitoring of metrics is essential for evaluating the
performance of your digital product and ensuring that your goals are
being met. For this purpose, One Platform’s metrics dashboard becomes an essential tool in structuring your objectives. With Metrics,
you can have an overview of your organization or a specific product,
calculating an average of the resources used in the last 30 days, which
provides an excellent foundation for product planning.

In Metrics,
located in the sidebar menu of our platform, you can access data
related to the health of your system, Dora Metrics, and SRE Metrics for
your organization.


In addition to the averages, there is also a list of all your resources and their respective metrics, with a column where you can see your resource’s metrics in more detail. 

You can also access metrics exclusive to your applications by returning to the application you want and clicking the “Metrics details” button, located in the top right corner of the page.

Through the application you can also check the Uptime metrics per hour, accessing the “Metrics Hour by Hour” link, located above the Uptime, which provides a summary of your Uptime per hour and per day.

In the Metrics Dashboards you can select, through a calendar, the range of dates you want, from the implementation of the metric, to the previous date of the day you are making the query, the services you want to evaluate and download the performance report. result of each metric. An easy and practical way to analyze the entire performance of each of your digital product resources!

The constant monitoring of metrics is essential for evaluating the
performance of your digital product and ensuring that your goals are
being met. For this purpose, One Platform’s metrics dashboard becomes an essential tool in structuring your objectives. With Metrics,
you can have an overview of your organization or a specific product,
calculating an average of the resources used in the last 30 days, which
provides an excellent foundation for product planning.

In Metrics,
located in the sidebar menu of our platform, you can access data
related to the health of your system, Dora Metrics, and SRE Metrics for
your organization.


In addition to the averages, there is also a list of all your resources and their respective metrics, with a column where you can see your resource’s metrics in more detail. 

You can also access metrics exclusive to your applications by returning to the application you want and clicking the “Metrics details” button, located in the top right corner of the page.

Through the application you can also check the Uptime metrics per hour, accessing the “Metrics Hour by Hour” link, located above the Uptime, which provides a summary of your Uptime per hour and per day.

In the Metrics Dashboards you can select, through a calendar, the range of dates you want, from the implementation of the metric, to the previous date of the day you are making the query, the services you want to evaluate and download the performance report. result of each metric. An easy and practical way to analyze the entire performance of each of your digital product resources!