Newrelic integration


All of the following steps must be done after External
Integration has already been configured by the ElvenWorks team. Request
integration via chat on the platform or on the website.


1 – In NewRelic, in the menu on the left, go to Alerts & AI and click on Alert Conditions & Policies:


Create a new Alert Policy:


Select One Issue per condition and signal


Finish by clicking on Create policy whithout notifications.

2 – In the menu on the left, click on Workflows and then in the top right corner of the screen and select Add a workflow:


3 – Give the workflow a name of your choice and select the Policy created in step 1:


4 – In Notify select Webhook and then Add a destination:


Put your preferred ID name in Webhook name

In Endpoint URL: enter the url provided by the ElvenWorks team


After filling out, click on Save destination.

Fill in the information sent by the ElvenWorks team:


After inserting the payload provided by the ElvenWorks team, click on Save message

Once this is done, your integration with One Platform will be available.


All of the following steps must be done after External
Integration has already been configured by the ElvenWorks team. Request
integration via chat on the platform or on the website.


1 – In NewRelic, in the menu on the left, go to Alerts & AI and click on Alert Conditions & Policies:


Create a new Alert Policy:


Select One Issue per condition and signal


Finish by clicking on Create policy whithout notifications.

2 – In the menu on the left, click on Workflows and then in the top right corner of the screen and select Add a workflow:


3 – Give the workflow a name of your choice and select the Policy created in step 1:


4 – In Notify select Webhook and then Add a destination:


Put your preferred ID name in Webhook name

In Endpoint URL: enter the url provided by the ElvenWorks team


After filling out, click on Save destination.

Fill in the information sent by the ElvenWorks team:


After inserting the payload provided by the ElvenWorks team, click on Save message

Once this is done, your integration with One Platform will be available.