The Azure Service Bus is an asynchronous and distributed messaging
service offered by Microsoft Azure. It provides features for
publish-subscribe, queues, and message confirmation to facilitate
communication between distributed applications and components. The
Service Bus allows producers to send messages to topics or place
messages in queues, while consumers can subscribe to topics or retrieve
messages from queues for processing. It ensures reliable message
delivery, even in case of transient failures, and offers advanced
features such as message filtering, rate control, and message queuing
based on expiration time. Additionally, Azure Service Bus seamlessly
integrates with other Azure services such as Azure Functions, Logic
Apps, and Azure Functions. It is widely used in distributed
architectures, microservices, real-time applications, event-driven
systems, and application integration scenarios, providing a reliable and
scalable solution for message exchange among components in the Azure

To monitor Service Bus on the One Platform:

  1. Go to the product application where you want to add Service Bus as a dependency.
  2. Click on the “Products” menu and select the desired product card.
  3. Click on the name of the application you want to monitor.
  4. Scroll down to “External Dependencies,” located just below the latency graph.
  5. You can either add an existing dependency by searching for it in the
    search field, or you can add a new one by clicking the green button
    with a plus (+) symbol.


When you click on “Add,” a modal will appear. In this modal, you will
name your queue and choose the Environment. In the “Check type” field,
select the option “Queue,” and in the “Method” field, choose “Service
Bus (Azure).” After selecting the method, a field for “Healthcheck URL”
will appear.


Choose the type of monitoring, whether it’s Topic or Queue. Below is an example string for the Service Bus:



Note: For security reasons, it is not permitted to enter an IP in the
healthcheck field. To monitor an IP, you need to enter it in a secret
and use it in healthcheck

Redis is an open source in-memory data storage system, widely used as a cache, key-value database, and messaging engine. It offers exceptionally fast performance because it keeps data in main memory instead of on disk. Redis supports a variety of data types, such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, and sorted sets, allowing for flexible data modeling. Additionally, it has advanced features including replication, disk persistence, distribution, and support for atomic operations. Redis is known for its simplicity, ease of use, and its ability to handle read- and write-intensive workloads. It is especially used in applications that require high speed, scalability, and low latency, such as dynamic data caching, message queuing, visitor counting, and real-time analytics.

How to monitor Redis on One Platform


1 – In the side menu, click on Services Hub

2 – In the Cache category, click on the Redis card

3 – You will be directed to the Redis configuration page, fill in the fields

4 – If you want, you can configure automatic incident opening. In the Open automatic incident section, fill in the fields:

  • Severity -> Choose between “SEV-1 – Critical”, “SEV-2 – High”, “SEV-3 – Moderate”, “SEV-4 – Low”, “SEV-5 – Informational” or “Not Classified”;
  • Check Interval in seconds -> This is the interval at which checking will take place (this interval cannot be less than the number of failures x the Interval configured in the monitoring form;
  • Failures to open automatic incident -> It is the number of failures necessary to open the automatic incident;
  • Check Interval in seconds -> This is the interval in which checking will take place (this interval cannot be less than the number of hits x the Interval configured in the monitoring form;
  • Hits to close automatic incident -> It is the number of hits needed to close the automatic incident;
  • Responders -> These are the teams that will be notified if there are incidents in this monitoring, and you can add one or multiple teams;

If necessary, you can create a team by clicking + RESPONDER, you will be directed to the form

to create the team, then click on the button for the new team to appear in the list

***Don’t forget to activate the Enable to set up automatic incidents opening toggle to save the automatic incident opening settings


Redis is an open-source, in-memory data storage system widely used as a cache, key-value database, and message broker. It offers exceptionally fast performance as it keeps the data in main memory instead of on disk. Redis supports various data types, such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, and sorted sets, allowing for flexible data modeling. Additionally, it provides advanced features, including replication, disk persistence, distribution, and support for atomic operations. Redis is known for its simplicity, ease of use, and its ability to handle intensive read and write workloads. It is especially used in applications that require high speed, scalability, and low latency, such as caching dynamic data, message queues, visitor counting, and real-time analytics.

How to Monitor Redis on the One Platform

To set up monitoring for Redis on the platform, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the product application where you want to add Redis as a dependency in the platform.

  2. Click on the “Products” menu and select the desired product card.

  3. Then, click on the name of the specific application where you want to configure Redis monitoring.

  4. Look for the section called “External Dependencies,” usually located just below the latency graph of the application.

  5. To add an already registered dependency, type the name of the dependency in the search field and select it when it appears in the list.

  6. If Redis is not yet registered as a dependency, click on the green button with a plus (+) symbol to add a new dependency.

Click “Add” and a modal will appear allowing you to name the database and select the Environment. In the “Check type” field, choose the option “DB,” and in the “Method” field, select “Redis.” After selecting the method, a field for the Healthcheck URL will appear.

Below is an example of string for Redis:


In case of a Redis Cluster, you need to select the “Cluster” checkbox and use one of the following string formats:

Example 1 (Cluster): HOST1:PORT1,HOST2:PORT2,HOST3:PORT3…

Example 2 (Cluster): HOSTCONFIG:PORT

To complete the configuration, check the “TLS” box if you require a secure protocol. In the “User” and “Password” fields, you can use a secret if desired. In the “Database” field, choose the number of databases, and in “Max Retries,” define the number of attempts for the first failure.

Note: For security reasons, it is not permitted to enter an IP in the healthcheck field. To monitor an IP, you need to enter it in a secret and use it in healthcheck

RabbitMQ is an open source messaging system used to facilitate communication and data sharing between distributed applications and components. It works as a message broker, allowing producers to send messages to queues and consumers to receive and process them. RabbitMQ offers a flexible architecture based on the AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) standard, supporting various messaging models, such as message queuing, direct exchange, topic exchange and header exchange. It ensures reliable message delivery, handles queues, and supports horizontal scalability to handle intensive workloads. RabbitMQ is especially adopted in distributed environments, microservices, asynchronous processing systems, application integration and real-time notifications, providing a reliable and flexible solution for exchanging messages between components of a system.

How to monitor RabbitMQ on One Platform

1 – In the side menu, click on Services Hub

2 – In the Queue category, click on the RabbitMQ card

3 – You will be directed to the RabbitMQ configuration form, fill in the fields

4 – If you want, you can configure automatic incident opening. In the Open automatic incident section, fill in the fields:

  • Severity -> Choose between “SEV-1 – Critical”, “SEV-2 – High”, “SEV-3 – Moderate”, “SEV-4 – Low”, “SEV-5 – Informational” or “Not Classified”;
  • Check Interval in seconds -> This is the interval at which checking will take place (this interval cannot be less than the number of failures x the Interval configured in the monitoring form;
  • Failures to open automatic incident -> It is the number of failures necessary to open the automatic incident;
  • Check Interval in seconds -> This is the interval in which checking will take place (this interval cannot be less than the number of hits x the Interval configured in the monitoring form;
  • Hits to close automatic incident -> It is the number of hits needed to close the automatic incident;
  • Responders -> These are the teams that will be notified if there are incidents in this monitoring, and you can add one or multiple teams;

If necessary, you can create a team by clicking + RESPONDER, you will be directed to the form

to create the team, then click on the button  for the new team to appear in the list

***Don’t forget to activate the Enable to set up automatic incidents opening toggle to save the automatic incident opening settings


RabbitMQ is an open-source messaging system used to facilitate
communication and data sharing between distributed applications and
components. It acts as a message broker, allowing producers to send
messages to queues and consumers to receive and process them. RabbitMQ
offers a flexible architecture based on the Advanced Message Queuing
Protocol (AMQP), supporting various message patterns such as message
queues, direct exchange, topic exchange, and header exchange. It ensures
reliable message delivery, handles message queues, and supports
horizontal scalability to handle intensive workloads. RabbitMQ is
particularly adopted in distributed environments, microservices,
asynchronous processing systems, application integration, and real-time
notifications, providing a reliable and flexible solution for message
exchange between components of a system.

How to Monitor RabbitMQ on the One Platform:

To set up monitoring for RabbitMQ on the One Platform, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the product application where you want to add RabbitMQ as a dependency.
  2. Click on the “Products” menu, select the desired product card, and
    then click on the name of the application you want to configure.
  3. Scroll down to “External Dependencies,” located just below the latency graph.
  4. Here, you can either add a new RabbitMQ dependency or search for an existing one.
  5. To add a new dependency, click on the green button with a plus (+) symbol. A modal will appear.
  6. In the modal, provide a name for your RabbitMQ queue and choose the Environment.
  7. In the “Check type” field, select the option “Queue,” and in the “Method” field, choose “RabbitMQ.”
  8. After selecting the method, a field for “Healthcheck URL” will appear.


When you click on “Add,” a modal will appear. In this modal, you will
name your queue and choose the Environment. In the “Check type” field,
select the option “Queue,” and in the “Method” field, choose “RabbitMQ.”
After selecting the method, a field for “Healthcheck URL” will appear.


Below is an example of string for RabbitMQ:


If the connection uses SSL, the string will look like this:



Note: For security reasons, it is not permitted to enter an IP in the
healthcheck field. To monitor an IP, you need to enter it in a secret
and use it in healthcheck

The Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Pub/Sub service is a highly scalable
and reliable real-time messaging and publish-subscribe system. It
enables distributed applications to exchange data and events
asynchronously, where producers publish messages to topics, and
consumers subscribe to these topics to receive corresponding messages.
GCP’s Pub/Sub ensures reliable message delivery, even under high loads
or transient failures. Additionally, it offers advanced features such as
rate control, message filtering, and integration with other GCP
services like Cloud Functions, Dataflow, and BigQuery. With its
distributed and scalable architecture, GCP Pub/Sub is well-suited for
scenarios that require real-time message exchange, large-scale data
ingestion, event streaming, and integration of distributed systems.

To monitor Pub/Sub on the One Platform:

  1. Go to the product application where you want to add Pub/Sub as a dependency.
  2. Click on the “Products” menu and select the desired product card.
  3. Click on the name of the application you want to monitor.
  4. Scroll down to “External Dependencies,” located just below the latency graph.
  5. You can either add an existing dependency by searching for it in the
    search field, or you can add a new one by clicking the green button
    with a plus (+) symbol.


When you click on “Add,” a modal will appear. In this modal, you will
name your queue and choose the Environment. In the “Check type” field,
select the option “Queue,” and in the “Method” field, choose
“BubSub(GCP).” After selecting the method, a field for “Healthcheck URL”
will appear.


Note: For security reasons, it is not permitted to enter an IP in the
healthcheck field. To monitor an IP, you need to enter it in a secret
and use it in healthcheck

PostgreSQL, commonly known as
Postgres, is a highly reliable and flexible open source relational
database management system. It offers complete SQL capabilities along
with advanced features such as complex data support, extensibility,
scalability, and high availability. Postgres is widely used in a variety
of applications, from small projects to large enterprise environments,
where its reliability, performance, and advanced features are valued.


How to monitor Postgres on One Platform


1 – In the side menu, click on Services Hub


2 – In the Database category, click on the Postgres card


3 – You will be directed to the postgres configuration page, fill in the fields


4 – If you want, you can configure automatic incident opening. In the Open automatic incident section, fill in the fields:

  • Severity -> Choose
    between “SEV-1 – Critical”, “SEV-2 – High”, “SEV-3 – Moderate”, “SEV-4 –
    Low”, “SEV-5 – Informational” or “Not Classified”;
  • Check Interval in seconds ->
    This is the interval at which checking will take place (this interval
    cannot be less than the number of failures x the Interval configured in
    the monitoring form;
  • Failures to open automatic incident -> It is the number of failures necessary to open the automatic incident;
  • Check Interval in seconds ->
    This is the interval in which checking will take place (this interval
    cannot be less than the number of hits x the Interval configured in the
    monitoring form;
  • Hits to close automatic incident -> It is the number of hits needed to close the automatic incident;
  • Responders -> These are the teams that will be notified if there are incidents in this monitoring, and you can add one or multiple teams



If necessary, you can create a team by clicking + RESPONDER, you will be directed to the form

to create the team, then click on the button  for the new team to appear in the list

***Don’t forget to activate the Enable to set up automatic incidents opening toggle to save the automatic incident opening settings



PostgreSQL, commonly known as Postgres, is a highly reliable and
flexible open-source relational database management system. It offers
full SQL capabilities along with advanced features such as support for
complex data, extensibility, scalability, and high availability.
PostgreSQL is widely used in a variety of applications, from small
projects to large enterprise environments, where its reliability,
performance, and advanced features are highly valued.

How to Monitor PostgreSQL on the One Platform

To set up monitoring for PostgreSQL on the platform, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the product application where you want to add PostgreSQL as a dependency in the platform.

  2. Click on the “Products” menu and select the desired product card.

  3. Then, click on the name of the specific application where you want to configure PostgreSQL monitoring.

  4. Look for the section called “External Dependencies,” usually located just below the latency graph of the application.

  5. To add an already registered dependency, type the name of the
    dependency in the search field and select it when it appears in the

  6. If PostgreSQL is not yet registered as a dependency, click on the green button with a plus (+) symbol to add a new dependency.


Click “Add” and a modal will appear allowing you to name the database
and select the Environment. In the “Check type” field, choose the
option “DB,” and in the “Method” field, select “Postgres.” After
selecting the method, a field for the Healthcheck URL will appear.



Below is an example of string for Postgres:



Note: For security reasons, it is
not permitted to enter an IP in the healthcheck field. To monitor an IP,
you need to enter it in a secret and use it in healthcheck

Acronym for Packet Internet Network Groper, something like internet network packet finder in Portuguese, Ping is a command available in almost all operating systems. Evaluates the time it takes to send a data packet and respond between machines connected to the same network.


How to monitor Ping on One Platform

1 – In the side menu, click on Services Hub

2 – In the Monitoring category, click on the  Ping card

3 – You will be directed to the via Ping configuration form, fill in the fields

4 – If you want, you can configure automatic incident opening. In the Open automatic incident section, fill in the fields:

  • Severity -> Choose between “SEV-1 – Critical”, “SEV-2 – High”, “SEV-3 – Moderate”, “SEV-4 – Low”, “SEV-5 – Informational” or “Not Classified”;
  • Check Interval in seconds -> This is the interval at which checking will take place (this interval cannot be less than the number of failures x the Interval configured in the monitoring form;
  • Failures to open automatic incident -> It is the number of failures necessary to open the automatic incident;
  • Check Interval in seconds -> This is the interval in which checking will take place (this interval cannot be less than the number of hits x the Interval configured in the monitoring form;
  • Hits to close automatic incident -> It is the number of hits needed to close the automatic incident;
  • Responders -> These are the teams that will be notified if there are incidents in this monitoring, and you can add one or multiple teams;

If necessary, you can create a team by clicking + RESPONDER, you will be directed to the form

to create the team, then click on the button  for the new team to appear in the list

***Don’t forget to activate the Enable to set up automatic incidents opening toggle to save the automatic incident opening settings


Ping, an acronym for Packet Internet Network Groper, is a command
available in almost all operating systems. It assesses the time it takes
for a data packet to be sent and received between machines connected to
the same network.

To monitor Ping in the One Platform:

  1. Go to the product application where you want to add Ping as a dependency.

  2. Click on the “Products” menu, then select the desired product card.

  3. Next, click on the name of the specific application you want to work with.

  4. Under “External Dependencies,” located just below the latency graph, you can add or search for an already registered dependency.

  5. To search for a dependency, enter its name in the search field.

  6. To add a new dependency, click on the green button with a plus (+) symbol.


When you click “Add,” a modal will
appear. In this modal, you will name your dependency and choose the
Environment. In the “Check type” field, select the option “Others,” and
in the “Method” field, choose “Ping.” After selecting the method, a
field for the Healthcheck URL will appear.


Check below the example strings for Ping:

example: HOST


Note: For security reasons, it is
not permitted to enter an IP in the healthcheck field. To monitor an IP,
you need to enter it in a secret and use it in healthcheck

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