Made synthetically, with
script, Synthetic Monitoring continuously tests the availability of an
HTTP, immediately alerting you as soon as there are failures. One
Platform detects, according to users’ rules, any type of problem in your
digital product before they affect your customers, ensuring its
availability and reliability.
Configuring Synthetic Monitoring
To configure Synthetic Monitoring, click on Synthetic in the platform’s left side menu.

After opening the
Synthetic Monitoring Center, where it will list all your synthetic
monitoring, click on “New Synthetic Monitoring” to add a monitoring.

Firstly, you need to:
1) Choose the name of
the monitoring and the Environment. If you want to create an environment
through this page, click on “+ Environment” and you will be directed to
the creation screen. When you finish creating, click on the reload
symbol for the environment to appear in the list.
2) After configuring the environment, choose the check interval in Interval check.

3) In Response Template,
knowing what the Step response will be, you can place this response in
the field to generate variables. By clicking on “Generate Keys”, the
platform will generate variables to be used in requests in any of the
steps. By clicking on the variables, it will be copied to the clipboard.

Configuring the steps
After the first moment, you will configure the customizable steps for how you want your page or Web APIs to be monitored.
To do this, in the step settings:
1) Choose the name of each step, the Healthcheck URL and the Timeout.
Note: For security reasons, it is
not permitted to enter an IP in the healthcheck field. To monitor an IP,
you need to enter it in a secret and use it in healthcheck
2) Choose the method, whether it is
GET or Post, select Skip SSL Validation, to ignore the existence of the
SSL certificate, and choose TLS Renegotiation, if the security protocol
is required. In the case of the Post method, select the Post-Body Type
from the Raw or “application/x-www-form-undecoded” options. In the case
of Raw, select the Raw Type (JSON, Text, Javascript, XML or HTML) and
fill in the Post Body according to the chosen Raw Type. If it is
“application/x-www-form-undecoded”, fill in the key and value, if you
would like to configure more than one key, click the plus (+) button
next to it.
3) Click on “Optional request” to
configure a Header where you can place the Validation String, the
Headers and Values. If you want to configure more than one Header, click
the plus (+) button next to it.
Here you will define what the request should be returned to.
1) In the Source field,
choose the source between JSON Body, Status Code and Text Body (Fill in
the Property field, if the choice is JSON Body).

2) Choose one of the options available in Comparison.

3) define the Target Value.
Assertions configuration examples:

The variables generated by the Response Template can be used in the URL, Headers or Post Body/application/x-www-form-undecoded.
1) To use them in the Value, you need to add it to the field in the same way it was generated.

2) To use a variable in the URL, you need to add it to the URL that will be checked.

3) To use a variable in the Post Body, simply add it as a value.

If you want more than two monitoring steps, click on the “Add Step” button at the end of the steps configuration step

After configuring the steps, If you want, you can configure the opening of an automatic incident. Select incident severity, check interval time in
the Check Interval in seconds (…) to close and open incidents, and
the number of failures and hits to also open and close an incident.
configuring the incident, choose which team will be notified and enable
the “Enable to set up automatic incidents opening” switch to be
notified when there is an incident.

After all these configurations, click on “Create monitoring” to create synthetic monitoring.

To edit or delete your monitoring, click on the button with three dots to perform one of two actions.